Wednesday 23 February 2011

Global Alert that was not given Importance !!!

"Earth is not a planet but Home"

Lets start with an good video!!!.... that might be a good epitome for this blog 
 The Title was actually suggested by my friend ,because I thought the title must be catchy enough to have more viewers   I would like to have more viewers not for an appreciation or pride but to be a small part of the great global campaign
                                  "The Global Warming"

We are hearing these words very frequently these days in medias like TV , Newspaper,
radio.etc for which our response might be none.I am ashamed to write this is more common among the literates as well,who can understand better the reasons & consequences.
The literates of the society are responsible for creating awareness on this global issue.The social websites like Facebook or twitter are the best media to start our campaign on this global issue.Peeps are generous enough to share a video or a song in FB or twitter to make our friends laugh and happy.So why can't we share these views and awareness to make our future friends(forthcoming generations) happy .We must understand that our home "The Earth" is drowning gradually 

What is Global warming? 

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century.Most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century has been caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which result from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation
What the hell reasons are??

 One of the major causes for global warming can be attributed to the activities of man. The man which thinks of himself as the most intelligent thing on earth is knowingly or unknowingly destroying its own habitat 
Greenhouse gases which include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide etc. the gases have created an effect of green house on the earths surface which prevents the reflection of the rays from sun and thus causes the increase in temperature. Carbon-di-oxide concentration in the air has increased due to the emissions from cars, airplanes, power plants, industries etc

Deforestation, Forests have been cut down paying way for agriculture, industries and cities. The trees were natural regulators of carbon dioxide which used to control its level's in the atmosphere.

I would be privileged to remind a beautiful video by "King of Pop" in this blog

 CFC ,Chlorofluorocarbon which is used in refrigerators, in fire extinguisher's which destroys the natural ozone layer. The ozone layer was a natural barrier which used to prevent the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. Without this layer, the rays fall on the earth and cause the temperature to increase. Researchers have found an ozone hole in our atmosphere, which they say is the main reason for the melting of glacier's in the Polar Regions
Increase in world's Population: Earth which mainly consists of developing or underdeveloped countries, which holds a major population needs electricity for the day to day activities. The electricity supply is mainly satisfied by burning fossil fuels. The fossil fuel on burning releases carbon dioxide which causes global warming.

"The change in the earth’s orbit or axis also causes changes in climate as well as changes in temperature".The change in the earth’s orbit or axis also causes changes in climate as well as changes in temperature. Any change in the axis of the earth makes the earth either to move towards the sun or move away from the sun. 
 If the planet earth move towards the sun, the quantity of the heat rays reaching the earth will be more, which will result in increased temperature patterns in the earth’s atmosphere or we can say it as global warming.The amount of sulfur oxides, which is belched out of massive volcanic eruptions, comes more than that produced by any human activity leads to global warming.

Consequences of Global Warming: 

1.Melting of ice-caps in polar region,which leads to increase in sea level,there will be reductions in glacier extent and the thickness of glaciers.If the rising temperature affects glaciers and icebergs, could the polar ice caps be in danger of melting and causing the oceans to rise? This could happen, but no one knows when it might happen.

2.Increase in temperature :From 1961 to 2003, the global ocean temperature has risen by 0.10 °C from the surface to a depth of 700 m.As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes

3.Spread of epidemic diseases As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them

4.Change in climate: Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe.According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war

5.Only the most adaptable animals will survive.Temperature rises and changing landscapes in the Artic circle will endanger several species of animals.

What can we do to reduce Global Warming?

Global warming is a fact ,it's real,it's already happening.We cannot stop it but definitely can be a part of reducing it .

1.Go Green!!! can be the first and best slogan for reducing global warming .Plant more trees and we youngsters to be against cutting trees for no reasons.Plantation can be the good element to reduce global warming to the max.

 2.We can switch to alternate source of energy instead of electricity or fossil fuels like petrol or diesel .Solar energy or natural energy(gobar gas) are some of the good options we can use for domestic purposes at and use an electric mower to cut your grass.FYI,switching to solar power can cost you between 20,000 and 30,000 dollars fully installed for an average size home and a wind powered system costs about the same.But it is an one-time investment

A Hybrid car that runs on solar energy
 3.We can use vehicles with an electric model or at least a hybrid. Guys this type of car will not be costly than your dream car Ferrari .To be simple we can use public transports instead of using individual vehicles for traveling.We can habituate to walk or to use cycles for places in simple distances.  
4.We can avoid wasting water and paper ,because wasting paper in-turn leads to deforestation.
5. Avoid burning plastics or non-recycle products . Recycle  garbage 

6.Consume what is necessary, the materialistic life is one of the reason for disasters we are facing .

Pledge : I am trying from my end as follows

1.We formed a small team called "Go Green" with a  small group of children and interested adults in our street .We started planting trees in vacant areas of our street and also on either sides of the road.Peeps it's interesting and i can say it's excites you more than a pub or a theater

2.I am using reusable water bottles ,it's good to use rather than using paper cups for drinking water in office premises.We can have our own reusable coffee or tea mugs.This is hygienic as well.We can use E-mails and e-cards for communication

3.I will try  to avoid wasting water while bathing or washing at the max.I will close the taps properly which avoids water leakages .We implementer rain water harvesting at home to save rain water

4.At home we are  using  tube lights or fluorescent  bulbs that consumes less electricity.

5.At home we implemented solar system in the terrace for water heaters

6.I will avoid using AC or Heaters very frequently

7.I will avoid using bikes or cars to places that are near.Friends ,walking or cycling freshens you and also makes you slim and beauty

8.We will have separate trash baskets at home to segregate garbage that can be recycled and non-recycled.We will not throw the wastage out ,but collect and trash into municipality baskets

9.We will not burn the plastics or non-recycle products 

10.We will use reusable baskets or covers(made of cloths or paper) for shopping but not plastic covers.

11.I will switch off the lights at office and home when it is not in use .I will switch off my computer eveyday while am leaving office ,but not  keeping it in standby mode .Keeping our computer at standby continuously  will decrease the performance ,i think many of us might faced this problem

We must raise hands to follow at-least 5 out of 11 pledges to be a great part in reducing global warming.Please create awareness with each other and let us all hold hands together to save our home "the earth" .I conclude as same as the intro

"Earth is not a planet but Home"