Friday 11 February 2011

FEBRUARY - "Month of Valentines"!!!!!!

    I think it is rite to be a first topic for this month, FEBRUARY "The month of Valentines".Truly I am happy to write about a month or a day which is dedicated for LOVE ,"Elixir of life".I spotted LOVE as elixir(an Arabic word) ,which is actually a medicinal solvent used for treating wounds or illness.Really a true love can able to treat wounds or illness between any relationship.

LOVE is a feel apart from things in the universe .Human cannot raise hands that its their own property ,but its among every living being .It can be seen even among predators like lion or tiger.It has the power to push down the materialistic world under his feet .The peace and happiness are the son or daughter of the Godfather "LOVE".It can create magic as a solution for any unsorted grief or problem.
History of Valentine's day from a website : (Might be untrue)
          Here’s the long and short of it: At some point in time, there was perhaps a dude, or possibly some dudes, named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were probably martyred. (P.S. The Romans hated Christians, which is why they killed them. A lot of them. Several, in fact, with the same name.)A few murky legends exist around the origin of our venerated “Saint Valentine,” including that he performed secret marriages for young lovers in Third-Century Rome after Emperor Claudius II outlawed the practice for soldier-aged men; that he might have helped Christians escape from Roman prisons; and even that he sent the first official Valentine’s Day card himself to a jailor’s daughter while he was imprisoned for being Christian. Apparently this last Mr. Valentine wrote a love letter to the young girl signed “from your Valentine,” thus the reason we use this phrase today. (He also may have cured her blindness — a rare, but appreciated, practice in modern Valentine exchanges).The only thing we know for certain (and by certain I mean “according to Wikipedia”), is that “Valentine” was buried at the Via Flaminia north of Rome on February 14.But what about hearts and heart symbols?Artistotle thought the heart,not the brain, was the seat of emotion, thought and reason,even though “thought” and “reason” rarely apply to love

Ancient Egyptians weighed the heart portion of the soul against the feather of Ma’at as part of your judgment in the underworld. Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer appreciated the human heart so much he kept one in his freezer “to eat later.” The heart is also part of our circulatory system, which could explain the red color. But none of these explain the shape or its relationship to love.Wikipedia to the rescue“The seed of the silphium plant, used in ancient times as an herbal contraceptive, has been suggested as the source of the heart symbol.” Used in Greco-Roman cooking, the plant was purported to have many medical uses from treating colds to warts, but according to Pliny the Elder, its chief role was as a contraceptive(prevention of pregnancy) .Apparently the now-extinct plant’s seed pods greatly resemble the modern-day heart shape.

Love can keep you healthy :
          Is love powerful enough to lower one's blood pressure, reduce depression and speed the healing of an injury? Well, science says, yes it is!!!"Our relationships help us cope with stress, so if we have someone we can turn to for emotional support or advice, that can buffer the negative effects of stress," the Washington Post quoted Julianne Holt-Lunstad, of the Brigham Young University, as saying.Holt-Lunstad's study found that happily married people have lower blood pressure than unmarried people. But unhappily married people have higher blood pressure than both groups.So, when it comes to blood pressure, at least, you're probably better off alone than in a troubled marriage."Romantic relationships also can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life that can translate to better self-care and less risk taking", said Holt-Lunstad.

Arthur Aron, a social psychologist at Stony Brook University in New York, does brain scans with fMRI machines of people at various stages of the romantic journey: newly in love, in long-term relationships and recently rejected.In his studies, Aron has consistently found that feelings of love trigger the brain's dopamine-reward system. Dopamine is a powerful neurotransmitter that affects pleasure and motivation.Hugging and hand-holding, meanwhile, have been found to release the hormone oxytocin, which lowers the levels of stress hormones in the body, reducing blood pressure, improving mood and increasing tolerance for pain, according to research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

If being in love makes you happy, it may also have another welcome health benefit: fewer colds. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh found that those who tended to experience positive emotions such as happy, pleased and relaxed were more resistant to the common cold than those who felt anxious or depressed.A happy marriage may also speed the rate that wounds heal, according to a 2005 study at Ohio State University. It found that a married couple's 30-minute positive, supportive discussion sped up their bodies' ability to recover from an injury by at least one day. (ANI)

Love cultivates attitude  :  
           As a magic ,LOVE can create change in your attitude .As an example we may not be punctual or on-time to an occasion or to a outing ,but our lover or friend might so punctual and he or she wish us to be punctual as well.
Eva's change for Walle

We will change the attitude for sure to make him happy or to avoid unwanted clashes between us.As time passes we would be punctual to anywhere, even in the absence  lover or friend .We may not be flexible with our sibling or parents as we do with our friend or lover .It will cultivate adaptability,give & take policy ,generic disorders (Parents may be so rude but the person in relationship will change to a smaller extent).

Can good friends be good spouses? :

         The question raised is because both the relationship were on the platform of LOVE .The answer for the question is a big "YES".A spouse may not be a good friend but definitely a good friend can be a good lover more than a spouse .The relationship is more bonded in marriage with strong base as love and friendship.My answer above was a big yes,which is my perspective .But as everything has its own advantage and disadvantage.Lets analyze the pros and cons 

 Why it is "YES" : As a proverb "A known devil is better than a unknown angel".You know her sensitivities, religious values, spending habits, his mom's attitude, his friends, her colleagues - you won't know any of this if you marry a stranger.We know each others reaction on a particular situation ,so we would be able to adopt our self .Might be silly but sometimes values more ,we know each others favorite food ,movies,music,persons around us,silly favors ..lot ..lot and lot. More than all, we will not share things genuinely to a stranger as spouse ,I think everyone will accept on this .We  feel very comfortable on sharing the past relationships with lover or a friend rather than with a stranger as spouse .

        Why It is "NO": Again the advantage is same as disadvantage ,we know very well each other and if negatives comes into picture then the problem raises .We know each others relationship behavior .When we try or wish  to put an end to some of the relationship or behavior ,then there may be an quake after the marriage .So it is based on the individual who choose the way .

        We might seen successful couples who get married after being friends ,and some failure couples as well.So its completely depends on the individuals who go for "YES" or "NO".If you feel ,you will be happy and also make your spouse(Friend) happy ..GO!! for "YES".Otherwise fly with an unknown Angel.

Valentine's Day in India  : 
       Valentine's Day celebration is a recent phenomenon in India but has caught the fancy of people to a great extent. Though some see it as a western import and hesitate to celebrate, there exist a large and growing number of those who love the feeling behind the beautiful and romantic festival. Especially to the Indian youth February 14 signifies love - a day when people express their affection for others. Just as several other countries, people in India too celebrate the Valentine's Day by exchanging cards and gifts. 

 Valentine's Day festival can be experienced weeks before the festival. Television, radio and print media start creating advertisements .Gift marketers and card companies launch a campaign to attract the youngsters. Card and gift shops are interestingly decorated with symbols of Valentine's Day including roses, cupid and heart shaped balloons. Shopping malls in metropolitan cities organize fun-filled competitions and distribute discount coupons to attract the consumers.

    On February 14, the Valentine's Day restaurants, discos, Cineplex, pubs and pizza parlors see a particularly busy time as couples celebrate the day in togetherness. Many boys and girls even propose to their sweetheart on this romantic day. People also express love to their friends, teachers, siblings and parents. Popular Valentine's Day gifts exchanged in India include chocolates, fresh flowers, cards, soft toys and candies. These are also clubbed with several other gifts to pamper sweethearts. 

Does India says GO!! :

P.S : This is from a website delivers strong opposition for valentine's day in India 
     THE CELEBRATIONS of days such as ‘Valentine’s’ have been the main reason behind the degeneration of moral values of the nations that have discarded traditional sexual values, and are encouraging people to lead an immoral life.This has caused the degradation of such nations. Seven percent of American children now have sex even before they have become teenagers.Statistics says , at least 12.5 lakh teenage girls become pregnant each year in the 28 developed nations like US, UK and other European countries. Of those, approximately 5 lakh girls seek abortion and approximately 7.5 lakh girls become teenage mothers.Every year some 30 lakh American teenagers contract a sexually transmitted infection

  Countries like India should preserve their traditional sexual values by imposing a ban on ‘Valentine’s Day’, and the government must encourage institutions, which promote ethical values so that such problems may never arise in this country.But if we emulate their degrading culture, we will be left with an increasing number of AIDS cases and emotionally and mentally disturbed teenagers.The youth will celebrate ‘Valentine’s Day’, look at each other with lust and dissipate their sexual energy even during the day. This will weaken their intellect, their eyesight and also the future generation. You may verily call this a ‘Sin Day’ for breaking our nation’s backbone. It is not a day of love, but a day of harassment to the youth, a veritable ‘Youths’ Dooms day.’

Dear Indian brethren! Now think for yourself, are we to import their degradation into our country? Would the parents of Indian girls like them to be swept away with the blind imitation of the western culture and fall victims to lust, undergo abortion, or become teenage mothers by getting entangled in vicious celebrations like Valentine’s Day? Apart from Ignorant peoples ,doctors and wise people can well realize whether the sexual energy of the youth will be motivated or demotivated by exchanging flowers and touching one another.

  World's each and everything has its own advantage and disadvantage ,its merely on their own perspective .So lets celebrate the February 14th as a 

"DAY of LOVE" but not a "DAY of LUST"
Friends ,"HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY !!!!!"

Signing-off with a cute letter below


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