Friday 28 January 2011

"You don't have to be the biggest to beat the biggest"

               The title is not about physical size but about thoughts."Optimism" will be the repeated word in next few paragraphs of this blog.Who is an optimist? ,The Person who is looking for all possible positiveness in the world.Everything and every person has their own plus and minus created by nature,to be true minus will be meager for sure .We people habituated to points out the minus rather than plus.Its quite obvious among ignorant people who were not well literate.It is surprise to see the pessimistic thoughts even among well literate people.Optimism is a good tool to achieve things  for which we are not fully eligible.The positive thought in us will guide you and push you towards the destination very soon .
 The travel of optimist towards the destination will be satisfied and not too problematic too.Sometimes even the pessimistic thinking of people will works out,Only a pessimist must invented parachute while optimist invented an airplane.

A significant difference is ,an optimist says the glass is filled half with water while a pessimist talks on  empty part of the glass.Research has been conducted which has found that staying positive and brings good health benefits, long life, happiness, good relationships, career advancement, salary increase,good deal among other advantages. The Video below is amazing

Here I show you new advantages of maintaining a positive attitude.

1. Positive people live longer - those who express positive emotions regularly live 10 years longer on average.

2. Positive people, get more optimistic than pessimistic people, those who say the situation is hard.

3. Positive people are able to make better decisions under stress.

4. Marriages are most likely to succeed when the couple experiences positive attitudes.

5. Positive people who regularly express positive emotions are more resistant to face stress, challenges and adversity. 

  6. Positive people can maintain a broader perspective and see the complete picture that helps them identify solutions where people held a more negative closer and tends to focus on problems.

7. Positive emotions such as gratitude and appreciation help athletes run at a higher level.

8. Positive people have more friends who are a key
factor in happiness and long life. 

9. The positive and sociable people are more likely to garner the support of others, and receive pay raises and promotion and achieve greater success in the workplace.

Without analyzing each of the benefits, let's stay with teaching. Keep a good attitude toward life, let us be positive. Do not be a defeatist, God does not sponsor failures or losers. The bible says "according to your faith be it done" and the author of Hebrews reminds us: "without faith it is impossible to please God." 

Just try with the link below,this might tell you your attitude 

  We can feel a person with positive thoughts and we can feel a place with positive vibration.This sense of feeling can be achieved by subconscious.A positive words and vibration can activate our brain cells and helps us to approach the problem with a right and good solution.An optimist will not look back once they step into the problem.Their eyes are ready to look forward for both good and bad in the way of destination .As per Doctors the negative thoughts leads the stress which leads the imbalance on salts in brain and nervous system.

I met an psychiatrist for stress management  ,he is a very simple man who is popular in media .I fixed a appointment the previous day and met him on the next day.I traveled 7 KM from my place and reached his house which is very simple,quite and looks natural.I went with a great hope that he will give me a good solution .When I enter the gate we saw four other persons talking with him ,so I was asked to sit in a room upstairs.The room was small with four chairs in between,there were three racks in three sides of  room .The racks were full of books .Some books were on psychology ,some on Islam-ism and many versions of qua-ran .There was a small TV on one of the rack and a mat & pillow to one side,I never seen such a dirty room but with beautiful books.I was not really comfortable and vibration around me was really bad .I was waiting for the person to come soon ,so that i can be out of the place as soon as possible.

     After 15 or 20 minutes he came inside and welcome me.He took one of the chair and starts to chat with me.A doctor or psychiatrist must be a listener to understand the problems of his patient but not a speaker .He is not a politician to speaks that may not be relevant to the problem  .He took a paper ,drew few stupid drawing and tried to drag me to his thoughts on which am totally depressed and feel like slap him at a moment.I controlled my emotions and tries to leave the place .The person is not my friend or enemy ,i never seen him before and i went with a happy mood.But the place spoils my mood , then the negative vibration of the person made me more stressed.So a negative and discouragement can even affect a person's  psychology .I took 2 months to recover from the stress he gave me on the day.

  So the negative thought can stop us achieving small ,but the optimism can be a catalyst for your success .We need not be an expert or fully qualified but the passion to learn and hard work towards the destination ,the success will travel from its ends to reduce your travel towards it. 
 None of the inventors or scientists would be a pessimist .Definitely they would predict the negative consequences of their inventions ,but the prediction did not stops their invention rather leads to another invention to suppress the negative consequences 

There was an incident in the epic Mahabharatha about the optimism.Guru Dhronacharya invited Dhuryodana and Dharmar for an assignment.He asked Dharmar to bring atleast 100 bad people and Duruyoadhana to bring 100 good people.They started their journey and visited all the cities .At the end of the journey Dhronar inquired on the results .Dharmar said 'I do'nt find any bad person in the cities" and duruyodhana said "I do'nt find any good person in the cities.The moral is that the character or attitude of the people changes based on our attitude and action towards them.The people approaches with positive attitude receives the same and with negative attitude receives only what they gave. 

"Be an optimist!!! Be as you are, but not for what other's like or dislike  "

Individualism and confidence are the by-products of optimism and the result is only the Success Success and Success!!!

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